Saturday, September 28, 2013

Earn Money on Fiverr Tips and Tricks

How to make money onling with Fiverr - a micro-jobbing website - is two-fold, with honest book reviews and search engine optimization (SEO) article writing. To date, I'm averaging $85 a month. I make money online but it's not a lot.Thankfully, it pays for my daughter's vitamin D milk and a portion of my son's baby formula.
As the provider in my family, I keep an eye out for innovative ways to make money online. I value time with the wife and kids', therefore leaving them for a night time|part-time job at a physical location is out of the question. Plus, it defeats the purpose of making money online.
I found Fiverr perusing the Internet. As I read articles from various at-home job sites, I kept seeing Fiverr ads. You know -- those catchy, hard to miss smiling faces with, "Tasks from $5" at the bottom? I waited a few months before clicking on one of those faces. Why? I already dabbled in a micro-jobbing site called Amazon Turks in my first attempt to make money online.
What's Amazon Turks? It's one of many ways to make money online with micro-jobbing, which is owned by Amazon. I began my so-called career there, investing two to three months completing small tasks known as "hits". I desperately wanted to make money online but my tireless efforts in those few months netted only ninety dollars -- clearly not worth my time.
A myriad of ways to make money online at Amazon Turks are available with hits ranging from surveys, 400-count articles, reviews and miscellaneous tasks. Most of the hits I completed were labor intensive writing, which equated to poverty level wages. I'm not disparaging Amazon Turks -- just stating why I waited a while before clicking on one of those Fiverr ads.
My Fiverr First Gigs
Despite my hesitation clicking the Fiverr ad, I relented to the pressure of those smiling faces and found myself on their homepage. "Impressive," I thought. The layout was simple and easy to navigate. It was evident developers spent considerable time on the functionality of the site, which enticed me to sign up and begin my pursuit of making money online.
I signed up using the Facebook option and in minutes I was a member of the Fiverr buyer and seller community. I spent a few days researching other gigs on main page. I wanted to know how others were making money online. Not confident in what I was doing I listed my first gig.
After spending a couple days clicking on top-seller and featured gigs, I settled on a service I was comfortable with -- writing. I didn't reinvent the wheel or craft an innovative idea. I stuck to my strength, at least I think it's my strength and focused on a surefire way to make money online.
With writing as my gig choice, I settled on book reviews. Book reviews? Yup -- a book review of any fiction or nonfiction work. I enjoy reading and providing constructive criticism. As an online instructor, my role is to provide constructive criticism to students. What better way to use my experience of feedback and love of reading to make money online with Fiverr?
Two months following the book review gig, I branched out and created another gig -- -write SEO article up to 250 words. I went a bit further with this gig and uploaded a :30 video of my ugly mug talking about what I can do for buyers.
There I am, sitting in the driver's seat of my car, dressed in a shirt and tie, talking into my Droid Razr Max. Real professional huh?
It sounds cheesy but the video -- in the short amount of time it's been up -- has garnered more views than my book review gig listed a couple months ago -- - 9.6k views versus 3.4k. Not too shabby.
[Case in point: upload a video to every gig you create to make more money online]
My Parting Wisdom
I've earned $172 on Fiverr from two gigs at the time of this writing. I know it's not a lot but I'm making money online. It's one of several ways to make money online that I'm utilizing. I'm doing what I love too -- reading and writing -- and making money online.
I'm content with the few dollars I earn on Fiverr. Do I want to make more money online? Sure, who doesn't? But, if there's one thing I learned about making money online is that it takes time -- lots of time to establish oneself. As I mentioned early on, this is one of many ways to make money online, in which I'm showing the world just how to make money online with Fiverr.
How to make money online with Fiverr isn't rocket science, anyone can do it. The key is sticking to your strengths and offering a gig you have a passion for. We all want to be featured sellers or top-gig providers a path to increased sales -- but it takes hard work and great customer service.
With a little patience, quality work and excellent customer service, I have no doubt you'll make money online with Fiverr. Don't give up. Stick to what you know. In know time, I guarantee you'll be making money online.
This is How i am Earning,You can do the same if you work hard